Professional voice over recordings in Vietnamese

  • Over 15 years of experience with marketing and e-learning
  • Professional voice talents, guaranteed native speakers
  • Voice over recordings in professional recording studios
  • High-quality studio and audio quality
  • Voice over recordings directly in Vietnam or Thailand

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Voice talent examples

Female Voice Vietnamese 1
Female Voice Vietnamese 2
Male Voice Vietnamese 1
Male Voice Vietnamese 2

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This is what our Vietnamese productions sound like

United Nations (UN) » Educational Video in Vietnamese

Vietnamese voice over recording services for your project

We provide voice over recording services for your image film, e-learning course, or commercial with native Vietnamese voice talents in close cooperation with reliable partner studios directly in Vietnam or Thailand.

Vietnamese is the official language of Vietnam and is spoken by about 85 million people as their mother tongue and another 10 million people as a second language (e.g. in the People's Republic of China, Cambodia, Laos).

Due to the isolation of the country after the Vietnam War, Vietnamese is a linguistically less researched language.

Vietnamese belongs to the Vieti-Moung languages in the family of the Austroasiatic languages. Although there is no genetic relationship to Chinese, its vocabulary consists a large number of words of Chinese origin.

Vietnamese is a tone language and at the same time a monosyllabic language: the smallest unit consists of only one syllable.

There are three main dialects in Vietnamese: the Hanoi dialect in northern Vietnam, the Hue dialect in central Vietnam and the Saigon dialect in the south of the country. The dialects differ mainly in pronunciation and vocabulary, they are all grammatically identical. The speakers of one dialect understand the speakers of the other dialect, as long as they are proficient in the pronunciation and choice of words of the other dialect. In pronunciation, the differences are mainly in the pronunciation of the sounds.

The North Vietnamese Hanoi dialect has established itself in the media as well as in the dubbing of e-learnings, image films, etc.

Vietnamese grammar is logical and not complex: there is no flexion, no gender, no direct articles and no difficult plural forms. The sentence structure follows the SVO scheme (subject verb object), like for example in English, German or French.

Voice over recordings in Vietnamese are carried out in professional recording studios located in Vietnam or Thailand. We work with native speakers who have a perfect command of the Vietnamese language and are trained professional voice talents.

A selection of our productions with Vietnamese voice talents:

  • Voice over recordings for explanation videos for Wintrado
  • Voice over recordings for educational videos for the United Nations (UN)
  • Audio production for a navigation system for Pioneer
  • Audio production of on-board announcements for Emirates
  • Voice over recordings for web based trainings (WBTs) for Sonic E-Learning
  • Audio production of voice announcements for Zoll Medical

We are looking forward to your request!

Professional voice over recordings.
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+49 89 20338335 [javascript protected email address]

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